Friday 15 August 2008

Reduce Your Energy Bill

Its a fact that consumer electrical equipment accounts for a quarter of the average household electric bills. But a blend of new technology and common sence will keep your energy bills down and your carbon footprint in check.

SCREEN SIZE The bigger the TV screen, the more energy it uses. For instance, a 32" LCD typically uses around 110 watts, while a 40 - 42" LCD uses around 160 watts.

AVOID PLASMA. Your choice of flat-panel technology is also key. An LCD typically consumes a third LESS power than a similar sized Plasma screen.

STANDBY. Switch off your TV when it's not in use and avoid using Stand-by. TV's left in standby cost the UK 71 million pounds a year in wasted electricity.

LIGHT SENSORS. A light sensor automatically adjusts the backlight on the TV according to the light or darkness in the room - and can dramatically cut power consumption.

Now that the costs of energy is rising - and will go even higher some predict, we all need to do everything to reduce our costs and in our own way help save the planet.

GREEN BUYS. One of the most energy effecient TV available is the Sharp LC BK which uses just 69 watts when switched on and less than 1 watt on standby.

We all need to buy HD ready TV as shortly we will have no option, so it's best be prepared and buy the most energy effecient TV we can.